Sunday, January 27, 2008

The I AM I of Di

I realize how much of myself I have changed or hid or drown because I was concerned about how others would see me..........being accepted. How much I have lived in fear. Not trying things because I might fail or look bad when I already felt like a misfit. Scars.........I just dont relate to some people's experiences of a "normal" life. WTF is that anyway??? I have so much anger with myself for living in fear and numbing it at times to the point of being an unproductive lump on the couch. But anger at self is stupid and self forgiveness is a necessity! So I forgive myself for allowing myself to define myself by what I thought was wanted or acceptable by others. I forgive myself for living in a box ......a hot box to protect myself from the pain of my reality. I forgive myself for allowing myself to not trust myself or allow the true ME to shine through!

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